Brush Or Comb: Which Is The Best For Your Hair?
Taking care of beauty usually involves several products and a lot of time, especially when it comes to hair! But there is a basic “tool” that we all need: a comb? or would a brush be better?
That doubt still pops into the minds of thousands of people every day. Each one knows his own hair well and knows how it looks after using one or the other, but sometimes the results seem more variable. After all, what makes a comb fit one type of hair, but not another? And how to find the best in your case?
Choose well!
It does not have a secret formula that guarantees that the brush is better than the comb or vice versa. The two have their specific qualities, and are suitable for specific yarns as well. As long as you don’t know which is best for you, there is no point in getting rid of one of them. And also nothing to recommend for friends to do this without them knowing their hair type first!
That said, let’s understand how the two accessories work. The brush, in addition to serving to shape the wires, also has a cleaning function. It brings oiliness and even nutrients from the base to the ends of the hair. The comb has the main function of untangling, and hardly has the ability to model.
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Check if your hair is or is:
– Thick or thin
Check the thickness of the wires before going to the store to buy your hair accessories. The thicker ones usually do better with bristle brushes at a distance and with a larger diameter. The fines, on the other hand, require approximate bristles, to avoid that creepy effect.
– Smooth, wavy, curly or curly
Straight ones can bet on combs, as long as they have close teeth, due to what we already mentioned about the thickness of the strands. Using brushes on them is not prohibited, but the best ones are those in racket style, with plastic or nylon bristles. The wavy ones ask for teeth or bristles a little further apart, but not so much. If the hair is curly or curly, try to avoid the brushes, and invest in combs with teeth really apart.
– Wet or dry
If you are going to use a comb, try to do this only after washing, when your hair is wet. The brushes are more friendly to dry hair. Just be careful with curls: either with a comb or brush, it should only be combed / brushed when it is wet. Otherwise, the ideal is to arrange it with your fingers.